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Barbara Ryan

barbara ryan headshot

Executive Assistant to Dean Judith Karshmer

College of Nursing and Health Innovation

What is mindfulness to you?

Mindfulness to me is a tool I use to be more aware of my surroundings and the people in my life. 

How do you use mindfulness in your work, research, or practice?

I use Mindfulness in my work and practice to grow in my personhood and to respect and serve others.  I find it makes me a better listener because I'm not distracted by multiple things.

How has the practice of mindfulness affected your life (personally and professionally)?

Mindfulness has affected me by slowing down my life so I can better understand and support not just myself but my friends, family and colleagues.

How can mindfulness transform society?

Mindfulness can transform society by making us stop and bring awareness of our environment into our minds.It is a tool to make us aware of the moment instead of rushing through our lives and having regret that we weren't more in the moment as we journeyed through our lives.

What does the future hold for the practice of mindfulness?

Through the practice of Mindfulness we learn that the future holds many wonderful surprises and "in the moment" experiences. To me using Mindfulness is being truly "alive in the moment!"